Meeting Minutes Approved as amended, 8/7/2013
Planning Board
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Newbury Town Hall
Members Present: Kathleen Pearson, Chair; Linda McCamic; John O’Connell; David Powell; John Weis; George Morse (Associate Member)
Staff Present: Martha Taylor, Town Planner
Kathleen Pearson, Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
- Informal Discussion re. Proposed ANR at 6 Fraser Lane (continued from 4/17/13):
Following up on the site walk that was held on April 22, Rick True, 6 Fraser Lane, appeared before the Board for further discussion of his request to divide his 6.5 acre lot into two lots, both buildable, and to bring Fraser Lane up to roadway standards. The Board recapped the issues which were identified during the site walk, including: 1) The width of the existing way, which is substantially narrower than the Town’s requirements; 2) The presence of wetlands along the edge of Fraser Lane, which limit the potential for widening the way; 3) The length that the improved portion of Fraser Lane needs to be extended to provide frontage for a new lot, since the total length of improved road will exceed 500 feet, the Town’s maximum allowed length for a cul-de-sac; and 4) The question of
whether Mr. True has the legal right to use and make improvements to the Lane, since Fraser Lane is on property belong to his abutter, William Danner. . The Board advised that based on its prior decision of November 9, 2009, it could not endorse an ANR at 6 Fraser Lane, since the way does not qualify as frontage, and suggested that Mr. True consider the option of submitting a subdivision plan with a request for waivers. Mr. True will still need permission from the owner of the way, Mr. Danner, to do any work on Fraser Lane.
- Stormwater Rules and Regulations:
The Board briefly discussed the scope of the revised Stormwater Rules and Regulations. No action was taken.
- Special Revenue Accounts:
M. Taylor reviewed the status of the special revenue accounts that have been set up to hold engineering review funds for subdivision and site plan review applications. The Board voted to release the funds for several projects which have been completed or are not proceeding:
Motion: A motion was made by J. Weis and seconded by L. McCamic to release the funds in the Colby Village Special Revenue Account. The motion passed unanimously.
Motion: A motion was made by J. Weis and seconded by L. McCamic to release the funds in the Hawk Haven Way Special Revenue Account. The motion passed unanimously.
Motion: A motion was made by D. Powell and seconded by J. O’Connell to release the funds in the 47 High Road Special Revenue Account. The motion passed unanimously.
- Proposed Zoning Amendments for May 2013 Annual Town Meeting:
The Board discussed informational materials on the proposed zoning amendments to be handed out at the Annual Town Meeting.
On a motion made by J. Weis and seconded by L. McCamic, the meeting was adjourned at 9:29 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Martha Taylor
Town Planner